Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hi, my name is...

Hi, my name is....
remember the name tag stickers that everyone hates for some strange reason?
i think it is because we all thought of a million painful descriptive words we could insert here, that didn't include our given name! my name is ayesha, and i have been walking through some pretty intense seasons lately. all the while i knew that i should be journaling & blogging so this could benefit someone else...yet i couldn't get there. not to mention the fact that i had no idea where to start. a couple of mornings ago, i woke up with the realization that i am a loser. no self-pity. no woe is me. i having been walking in a delusion these past 17 years! i have been thinking that there is something good about me. i have been trying to find the real ayesha. the one that is so__________. (smart, funny, caring, serving, etc.) but apart from GOD there is no good in me. i have proven time & time again that i simply can not do this life thing on my own. i make plans, i line things up, i try in my own strength, but to no avail. years ago i surrendered my life to GOD, and i know that we die to ourselves everyday, but i have to learn to give GOD the freedom to do as HE will with my life. sounds easy right? boy is it not! today, i have laid out all the titles that i must leave at the Master's Feet each day. (sometimes, every minute)
utterly hopeless
constantly depressed
a real screw- up
horrible parent
good for nothing
not lovable
good at nothing
never going to be anything
these labels can get pretty heavy & i grow so tired and weary of carrying them. 
the truth is we don't have to carry them at all.
 "Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”" Matthew 11: 28-30 NLT

which titles do you carry?
please remember that we don't have to carry these titles anymore. JESUS paid the price for them to be removed forever.

1 comment :

  1. I love it, and can't wait to follow the story of how you lost yourself, and was found only with God.. I'm a huge fan already, and it's only the beginning .
